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Updated: Nov 6, 2022

According to the Bible and the words of Father God there does not exist any satellites in the outer space as they proclaim it to be.

This is a lie:

The earth is flat and from the middle of the earth to the top of the firmament, dome, expanse, vault that God called heaven, it is around 150 kilometers, 93 miles or 490,000 feet.

This is confirmed in Project Fishbowl from Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean. Were high altitude nuclear tests was carried out by the United States and allies in 1962 as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test programs. The highest altitude explosion against the firmament was test shot Checkmate that reach 147.3 kilometers on impact.

Above the firmament according to Genesis 1:2 - and Genesis 1:6 - there is only water.

Now that we have cleared out that there is no infinite fake space, galaxies, planets and so on out there above the firmament. Then what are they using instead of these fake satellites we have been manipulated to believe in over the years?

LAV - Lighter-Than-Air Vehicles

HAA - High Altitude Airships

HALP - High Altitude Lighter-Than-Air Platform

HAP - High Altitude Platform

HAPS - High Altitude Pseudo Satellite

HAPS - High Altitude Platform Station

HALE - High Altitude Long Endurance

HALE-D - High Altitude Long Endurance Demonstrator

HALO - High Altitude Long Operation

HALROP - High Altitude Long Range Observational Platform

SPS - Stratospheric Platform Systems

BBS - Big Balloon Systems

SBS - Small Balloon Systems

NBS - Nano Balloon Systems

This is what they use as so called satellites up there in the sky. You have been lied to and manipulated into believing in something that does not exist. What about the rest? You need to ask questions and seek for truthful answers. In this world Satan is god and it can indeed be hard to find some honest answers. But our faith should not be in Satan and this evil over corrupted world, but in the creator and living God Yahweh our Father in heaven above the firmament.

It is really WAKE UP time folks!

Stay pureblood like Noah did!

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