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Updated: Oct 30, 2022

First time we ever heard the name of Father God is in the Judean scriptures Genesis 2:4.

Translated from Hebrew to English:

During the 500 Century BC Judean biblical scholars exchanged the name of God with the word Adonai, which means, LORD or LORD MASTER in capital letters. They did this everywhere in the Judean scriptures in fear of contravening or blaspheming the name of God in the 3rd Commandment, Exodus 20:7.

Translated from Hebrew to English:

When the Judean biblical scholars came across the name of God YHWH-YAHWEH during reading of the holy scriptures out aloud they would say Elohim, which is the Aramaic and Phoenician word for God or God the Creator. To remind the reader to say Elohim, and to maintain a presence of the word YHWH-YAHWEH, they assigned the vowels of Adonai into the consonants of YHWH-YAHWEH. Because, it was never intended that the written form of Adonai in saying the name of God to be read out aloud and that is why the Judean biblical scholars said Elohim instead.

In Exodus 3:13-14 Moses asked God, “Whom should I say has sent me?” and God responded by saying, “I AM WHO I AM… You must say this to the Israelite's, ‘I AM has sent me to you’”. However, it could be awkward for Moses to go to the Israelite's and Pharaoh and say, “I AM has sent me”. So, in Exodus 3:15 God revises this phrase and changes it to the third person by saying, “Tell them that ‘HE IS’ has sent you”.

Translated from Hebrew to English:

Translated from Hebrew to English:

Exodus 3:14-5 could be paraphrased as, “Call Me ‘I Am with you’ or I Am the ever present helper because I Am indeed the ever present helper. And this is what you should say to the Israelite's, ‘He is the ever present helper’ – the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob – has sent me to you”. What we understand from all this is that Father God wants to have a personal relationship with His people, and so He is giving them permission to call Him by a personal name rather than by His formal name.

The name of God YHWH–YAHWEH, "HE IS" comes from the Aramaic and Phoenician root word haya, which means, to be. It is the third person form of, "I AM", that becomes the name YHWH-YAHWEH and is referred to in Greek as the Tetragrammaton which simply means, the four letters. The name of God is spelled YHWH, and without any added vowels it becomes the name YAHWEH, where YAH=HE and WEH=IS, meaning “I AM” or “I AM WHO I AM”.

The significance of the name YHWH-YAHWEH is that it is confirming God’s existence, but most importantly His presence. In the context of Exodus 3:14:15, God is talking about His presence with Moses and subsequently with Israel. For in Exodus 3:12 Moses says, “Who am I, that I should go?” to which God responds by saying, “Surely I will be with you.” The point is not that He eternally existed although this is implied but rather that He is present with Moses and His people who at that time were slaves in Egypt.

When you are studying or reading the scriptures and come across the word LORD in capital letters, you then need to replace it with the letters YHWH, said YAHWEH out aloud.

The short form of the name of Father God YAHWEH is YAH. If you want to use the name of God in short form as a reference into your own name you need to add a U after YAH. Take the name of prophet Elijah, prophet Isaiah or the tribe of Judah as examples, Elijah in Hebrew is said Eliyahu. EL=GOD, I=IS, YAH=HE and U=IS, meaning in Hebrew, MY GOD IS YAHWEH.

Isaiah is said, Yeshayahu. YEHSHA=SALVATION, YAH=HE and U=IS, meaning in Hebrew, YAHWEH IS SALVATION.


Why do many people call God for Jehovah (JeHoWaH) or Jahovah (YaHoWah) or any form like that?

When the different biblical scholars over the years translated the Tetragrammaton “YHWH” with the Adonai vowels in the consonants it was pronounced incorrectly when said out aloud. When the assigned vowels was removed from the four letters the name became YAHWEH instead of Jehovah or Jahovah.

The biggest problem happened when biblical scholars translated from Aramaic over to old Greek known today as the Septuagint scriptures. The Greek letter Y is the Ipsilon-letter in the Greek alphabet, and so the Greek biblical scholars exchange the letter Y with letter I, which is the Greek Yiota-letter for the Aramaic and Phoenician letter Y. By adding the vowel problem in the consonants the name of God was altered and the meaning totally changed.

The Latin biblical scholars did the same as the Greeks in their translations. The Aramaic and Phoenician letter Y in Latin is the Oopsilon-letter, and they replace the Greek letter I with letter J, because the Latin letter J is their Yacht-letter for the Aramaic and Phoenician letter Y.

That is how the name of God became the artificial Latinized name of Jehovah or Jahovah. As the use of the name spread throughout the world, the initial Latin letter J was pronounced according to the local vernacular languages rather than in Latin. The letter J is a new letter added into the European alphabets around the 16th century AD. Many biblical scholars in different time periods used the term Jehovah or Jahovah, and in the 19th and 20th centuries biblical scholars again began to use the original Aramaic and Phoenician form of YAHWEH. Biblical scholars such as St. Clement of Alexandria in the 2nd century AD used the name YAHWEH. The Aramaic and Phoenician pronunciation of YHWH-YAHWEH was never lost because many Greek transcriptions indicated that the name of God should be pronounced, YAHWEH.

The most important thing to understand is that Satan is the God of this world according to the Judean scriptures. Satan has worked hard over several thousand years with his evil followers to change, and alter the name of God and history of the world. Father God is a living God and the only way for Him to save all humans was for Him to send His only Son the Messiah to be sacrificed for all our transgressions against His commandments and laws. God wants to have a personal relationship with all His people, and the only way to get connected to Him is by getting baptized, known as a mikvah, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is only one God, so always pray directly to Him and no one else through the name of the Messiah, Son of Man, Yahushua of Nazareth.

All glory and honor belongs to Father God, YHWH-YAHWEH, “HE IS”, above the firmament in heaven. God bless you and yours, thank you for your time and Sabbath Shalom.

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